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St. Brigid's Day 2021


On Monday 1st February, much of the Irish community and beyond will be celebrating St. Brigid’s

Day, also known as, Imbolc- the traditional festival that marks the return of spring. This day is all about renewal, new growth and escape from darkness.

Could this be a more fitting message given current circumstances?! Although times are still turbulent, with vaccine distribution underway, an escape from the darkness of this pandemic is hopefully on the horizon. The Celtic Goddess Brid (after whom the day is named) was considered a goddess of healing and growth so this day is also used as a celebration of women, their creativity, and their talent.

Our team here at ICS is comprised of wonderful, talented women that have brought you many events and initiatives over the course of this pandemic to keep everyone connected including but not limited to the Chit Chat Café, the community online project and most recently, our Christmas Hamper Project.

All these projects and more would not have been possible without the brilliant women that volunteered to help. The creative, talented women that have been volunteering and supporting ICS since our foundation right up to this very day have been integral in Irish Community Services’ success. It was also a group of brilliant women that brought the first ever ICS lunch club to fruition. So, a big shout out to the ICS team and volunteers- as Beyoncé once said, “who run the world? Girls!”.

The Embassy of Ireland is hosting an online event on Sunday, 31st January at 18:00 to celebrate St Brigid’s Day 2021 and the creativity, solidarity, and leadership of women. Follow @IrelandEmbGB on Twitter or on Facebook at @irishembassylondon to be the first to hear updates on this event and how to get involved.

Until next time… have a happy St. Brigid’s Day!

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